A hot stone reflexology treatment is becoming ever more popular and is a more effective way to give a reflexology treatment using hot (and cold) stones. It combines the many benefits of an intensive reflexology treatment, with the relaxation of using hot stones.
A Hot Stone Reflexology treatment consists of the therapist massaging heated smooth basalt stones of various sizes over the client’s feet. The heat from the stones is released deep into the muscles and, as the muscles relax, they allow a massage of greater intensity – it is said that one stroke of a heated stone is equivalent to 10 normal massage strokes and they act almost as a sedative.
Not only is Hot Stone Reflexology a deeply relaxing experience for the client, but the therapist also benefits, as the stones reduce the strain placed on their hands and wrists.
The treatment also increases flexibility as the connective tissues are relaxed and benefit from improving nutrients and removing waste products from the body.
This treatment is often used in conjunction with Chakra stones to balance the body and aid healing.
What is Hot Stone Reflexology and How Does it Work
What are the Stones used
History of Hot Stone Treatment
Benefits of a Hot Stone Reflexology Treatment
Contraindications to Treatment
Using Chakra Stones
Cleaning and Care of Equipment
Aftercare Advice
Hygiene and Professionalism
Techniques and the Treatment
Questionnaire (to be returned, completed, on the day of the training)
1 Day Workshop
*Please note this course is only open to those who are already qualified in Reflexology, and will build on your existing knowledge*
Awarding 7 CPD Points
Prices vary, Please contact us to find out more.